What Is CQB Airsoft

Airsoft Explained

Battle Stations Airsoft Store (BSAS) has everything you need on-site

CQB Skirmish Days?
Battle Airsoft CQB runs weekend Skirmish days every Saturday & Sunday, Full and Half Day options are available. Full-Day Skirmish 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 pm Price - WO £33.00 / RP £45.00 Half-Day Skirmish Morning 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 pm Afternoon 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm Price Walk on Players £23.00 Rental Players £35.00 Rental Packs include everything you need to play, an M4 Rifle, 370 BB Magazine, Full Face Protection, Body armour, Gloves and Unlimited Ammo Minimum Age 12

Walk-On or Rental?
Types of Player - Walk-ons - If a Player owns all their own equipment, they are known as a "Walk-on Player". Walk-on Players only pay to play, so its cheaper. meaning they get no have all their own equipment and are just paying for a game ticket Rental's - If a player has no equipment and needs Battle Stations to provide it all, "these players are known as "Rental's" Rental tickets are more expensive, but when you rent from BSA, you get everything you need including UNLIMITED Ammo. The equipment you will need to play Airsoft is an Airsoft Gun, Eye protection, Gloves, Ammo "BB's" and a form of body protector. All this is included in a rental pack.

Battle Airsoft CQB runs evening 3 skirmish games per month, 1st and last Friday and 2nd Wednesday. check out the next game on our FB events Page. https://www.facebook.com/battlestationsac/events Walk-on and rental places are available. Timings 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm (ish) Price Walk on Players £25.00 Rental Players £37.00 You MUST book online to ensure we have 10 players minimum. £5.00 deposit to book, which will be refunded if the game does not go ahead. Rental Packs include everything you need to play, M4 Rifle, 370 BB Magazine, Full Face Protection, Body armour, Gloves and Unlimited Ammo - Minimum Age 12

Skirmish Airsoft games at BSA are thrilling, exciting, and fun-filled. But throw Zombies into the mix and you have the ultimate Zombie Airsoft experience. Can you Survive? This is a Story-based game that changes every time you play. Normal Airsoft options are available. You can book aa a Walk-on (WO) or a rental Player (RP). Zombie Airsoft Game 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm (ish)# WO £25.00 / RP £37.00 - - Minimum Age 12 Rental Packs include everything you need to play, M4 Rifle, 370 BB Magazine, Full Face Protection, Body armour, Gloves and Unlimited Ammo.

MilSim's, or Military Simulations, are a completely different experience from that of a Skirmish game. Games run for either 12 or 24 hours, with little rest. Each game is scenario-based, so you need to be a player who can immerse yourself in the moment and the story. Missions may be Overt (Fighting with the enemy) or Covert (Oviding detection whilst on a mission), so you may spend extended periods without firing your weapon. Rules differ from Skirmish.

What to make the most of Battle Station, then join our Members Club. You get many perks, including 10% off all gaming, free tea and coffee, patch and much more.


We have everything you need for a fantastic celebration. Our party Packs are all-inclusive, with a freshly cooked meal for all and a gift for our VIP. Full Impact and Low Impact Airsoft Packs are available

Jump into Battle with no fuss; Battle Packs get the same gaming experience as a party but with none of the fuss.

What Is a Skirmish
Skirmish Game — There are different modes of play. Skirmish Games are short games with an objective that can be played as a team or as an individual. They are usually short in duration, unlike MilSim games, which generally last for 24 to 48 hours. At Battle Stations Snetterton, we run Airsoft Skirmish games 6 Days a week.

New to Battle Stations Airsoft. Low-Impact Airsoft uses a lower-powered gun that fires and is in the region of 200 FPS. This gives you all the fun but none of the pain. It's so much fun that the BSA Team love it. A fantastic event for Stag, Hen, Birthday or family fun. Low-impact Airsoft starts from 8 years old. You can book a Battle Pack for Just £25.00 ph or a Party Pack for £30.00 pp. Both packs include everything that you will need for your game - Including UNLIMITED AMMO and no nasty hidden extras. Book online or give us a call.